Whitney Whitney

13 Morning Sickness Hacks that don't include Unisom or B12

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Momma, you are so happy that you finally have the special news that you will soon hold a new baby. BUT blanketing that happiness is the heavy, and down right awful morning sickness aka ALL DAY SICKNESS.

I reached out to fellow moms and asked them, what do you suggest to try and we have a list for you!

Now remember this is not a one size fits all, if something doest work, move on and try something else. Even a moment of relief is worth anything!

1. Grapefruit

2. Grapefruit chapstick


3. Water pick (I swear it’s the most relaxing thing getting water sprayed in your mouth 🤣)

4. Coldish showers

5. Freezing grapefruit juice into popsicles

6  ice water, but only sometimes, other times it makes it worse

7 Blending favorite soda with ice and making a slush

8 ice pack to snuggle 😂

9 Dancing to favorite music (mine 2007-09 hiphop club music, don’t judge) 🙆🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️

10 Sticking with the same meals that work

(Egg on bagel w/ Mayo for breakfast, veggie soup for lunch, and dinner… I just avoid meat)

11 Sea band

12 Sniff rubbing alchohol

13 Not eating after 6pm, naps, and HOT showers

If you have something else to add, please share the wealth of knowledge with us!!

Good luck momma, I know it’s hard but once that baby comes out, I know you would do it all over again even thought it SUCKS! xoxo - Whitney

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